Green transition with a Parat boiler

10 years for green conversion. Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent. That was the government's decision in 2020. It put a lot of pressure on the Danish district heating plants, which had to change their heat production from black to green. But not for Hvide Sande District Heating. They were already far ahead in their green transition.

In fact, we must go all the way back to the year 2010. Already by that time, they had seen a great business potential in the green transition. Therefore, they contacted Scan to find out if our boilers could contribute to their vision of providing sustainable and cheap heat for their customers.

After a thorough project analysis, the conclusion was clear. It would be a good financial investment for Hvide Sande District Heating to have an electric boiler installed. At the same time, it would also reduce their CO2 emissions. They ordered a 10MW electric boiler from Scan and started the green conversion. Since then, the boiler has been connected directly to 3 wind turbines. Today, it is an important heat source for the city. For example, from August 2019 to July 2020, the electric boiler produced 28,880 MWh and 2,880 full load hours. When taken the heat loss into account, the electric boiler supplied heat to 1,600 households in Hvide Sande.

“The electric boiler has been a really good investment for us and has been an important piece in our green transition. The best thing is that, in addition to the annual service, there is almost no maintenance on the plant. We pass by occasionally to check that it is running ok and otherwise it fits itself. It has gone quite well, seen in the light of how much we use the system” says Operations Manager, Martin Halkjær Kristensen from Hvide Sande District Heating.

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