Power to X compressor is being moved into the building

This week, in collaboration with our skilled partners, AS SCAN successfully positioned an extremely heavy compressor. This complex operation required teamwork and precision. The compressor is a critical component of the Power-to-X facility.


The installation marks a significant milestone in the development of our Power-to-X project, bringing us one step closer to the goal. The successful placement of the compressor ensures that we are on track with our project timeline. We are proud of our team and partners for their professional and hard work in making this complex task a success.


Compressor ready to be lifted onto the construction site

Crane personnel discussing the project

Compressor is placed on steel plates

Rollers under the compressor so it can be moved into place.

Crane moving compressor

Compressor liftet down on steel support frames

The compressor is in place in the building.





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