Maritime / All maritime products

Gillnet equipment

Made for handle both deep sea and coastal fishing

AS Scan offer high quality products for gilnet fishing. All our power gillnet equipment is made of casting sea waterproof aluminum, warm galvanized steel and stainless steel.

We are the leader in developing high quality gillnet haulers that are the heart of a fishing vessel. Our net haulers have been sold worldwide and is made in several models depending on ship size and water depth. The rollers are rubberized to avoid snagging and wear. The product range are designed for use under extreme conditions and treats catch and gear in the gentlest way.

We also do:

  • Net clearer machine
  • Rack system for net clearer (manual or hydraulic driven)
  • Net transporter
  • Crab Crusher

The gillnet systems are suitable for all sizes of fishing vessels and are tailored to the specific vessel and its operations.

Key features

  • Designed for use under extreme conditions
  • A comprehensive product line
  • Sold worldwide

Do you want to know more about our products?

We understand the importance of having the right parts, available in the right place, at the right time.

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