Visit the Knuthenborg Park this summer and see the animals enjoy the new beautiful facilities!

Have you visited Knuthenborg Safari Park lately? If not, you have a great reason to come by this summer!

Since 2020, AS SCAN has had the pleasure of collaborating with Knuthenborg Safari Park on a number of exciting projects, including a new tiger enclosure with an outdoor paddock and a large elephant enclosure, also with an outdoor paddock.


Stålkonstruktion med gangbro hævet over tigerparken.

A sturdy steel structure supports the walkway inside the tiger enclosure.


New Elephant Enclosure

The first job we did was a comprehensive elephant enclosure project that involved the design, construction, and installation of a completely new enclosure and indoor stable facility for the park's elephants. The enclosure is designed to give the elephants more space and freedom to move around, and it also includes a number of facilities to improve their well-being.


Elefantstald med hydraulisk betjent stålhegn

Elephant enclosure with steel fencing and hydraulically operated gates.


You can read more about the elephant enclosure project and see pictures of the new stable.


New Tiger Enclosure

We also constructed a new tiger enclosure with an outdoor paddock. This enclosure features a sturdy steel structure that supports a walkway inside the enclosure, as well as a steel fence with hydraulically operated gates. The outdoor paddock is designed to provide the tigers with plenty of space to roam and explore.


Tiger indhegning med indgang til tigerstald.

Outdoor paddock for the tigers at Knuthenborg Safari Park with entrance to the stable.


Tiger stålindhegning i frodig skovområde hos Knuthenborg Safari Park

Steel fencing in a wooded area encloses the tiger enclosure at the safari park.


We hope you will come visit Knuthenborg Safari Park this summer and experience the new enclosures for yourself!

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